Anaerobic Digester Plant - Rainbarrow Farm
Rainbarrow Farm is the home of the UK’s first biomethane to grid anaerobic digestion plant. Following a major upgrade in 2020, it now produces enough renewable gas for 7,500 houses mid-winter and 100,000 houses mid-summer.
Biogas produced at Rainbarrow Farm was first cleaned and injected as biomethane into the local gas distribution network on 11 October 2012. J V Energen LLP, a joint venture partnership, was formed between the Duchy of Cornwall, local farmers who needed more sustainable break crops and fertiliser sources, and Active Business Partnerships. J V Energen produced the first biomethane registered with the Green Gas Certification Scheme, with the first purchases being made by The Duchy of Cornwall and The Prince of Wales’s Office.
Two further value-added sustainable ventures have been created
- Digestate – the material left at the end of the AD process – is dried, bagged and sold as Bloomin Amazing, a nutrient rich soil conditioner. This helps farmers and gardeners reduce reliance on more costly, oil derived fertilisers.
- Carbon dioxide – in a joint venture with another AD plant in Herefordshire, BioCarbonics has been established to provide the food and drink industry with high-quality, renewably sourced carbon dioxide.
Bloomin Amazing
Here is a graphic to describe the Anaerobic Digester (AD) process at Rainbarrow Farm

Poundbury integrates residential, retail and business uses with public amenities, so many people are able to live and work without the reliance on motor vehicles.
Poundbury Factsheet 2019
Poundbury is designed to create a sustainable community which achieves an attractive, modern and pleasing place in which people can live, work, shop and play. Particular emphasis is placed on the quality of place making through time honoured principles, urban design, landscaping and the selection of materials.
Every day hundreds of craftsman, specialist contractors and professionals work on the buildings and infrastructure at Poundbury. From urban designers to plumbers, builders and apprentices, many have learnt their trade in Poundbury. CG Fry’s Steve Walker has been working here since its conception and wins awards year after year for his management and remarkable knowledge of the project and its delivery.
Local firms hosted a Careers Open Day Initiative in Poundbury in May 2019. The aim of this event was to highlight the employment and training opportunities available in the Construction Industry, particularly in Dorset.