Duchy of Cornwall

Stand up for Nature

A month-long challenge starts for residents of Dorchester from 26 August.

Dorchester Town Council with the Duchy of Cornwall, and our sustainability partner Giki, will be inviting residents to sign up and focus on how we use nature, and what we can do to protect it, through the decisions we make every day.

Here’s what to do:

– Sign up to the Dorchester Town Council account using the link below. You will get your own personal carbon footprint survey, which is a great way to learn more about carbon emissions.

– Choose ANY Giki step to join – lots of nature-related steps are recommended on the home page, ranging from very quick and easy to some longer-term ones.

– Between 26 August – 30 September commit to as many steps as you can and then mark off those you complete.

Many of us love nature, and every one of us needs it. The more people who get involved, the better, so spread the word and encourage friends and neighbours to sign up too.

Giki sign up