Duchy of Cornwall

Excerpt from the Department of Education ‘Climate in Education Snapshot – April 2024’ which reports progress with their Sustainability Climate Change Strategy

Eco Schools is at the heart of Damers First School, part of the Wessex MAT. Every class has an Eco ambassador who forms part of the Eco Crew. Sustainability is embedded across the curriculum. They want learning to impact on pupils’ thinking and actions to enable them to focus on issues at a school, community or global level.

All children garden, they work with volunteers growing seeds in the plastic bottle greenhouse, planting seedlings, harvesting and cooking what they have grown. The children learn about vegetables, for example discovering that there are purple, orange and white carrots. Damers First School – a holistic approach to food and gardening

The school’s food waste goes in the Ridan Food Waste Composter and is used in school grounds. Also, it is sold to the local community including the Town Council and other local schools.

Damers First School use Energy Sparks Educational Programme to analyse electricity use data. They have reduced consumption by 20% this academic year. The children have run power down days, lights off blinds up, designed a checklist poster. Damers were Energy Sparks Scoreboard National Champions. https://energysparks.uk/case-studies

The children wanted to reduce the amount of glue sticks going to landfill. Damers First School discovered Learn Play Nexus U-Fill Glue stick that can be refilled, along with whiteboard pencils that are biodegradable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17_uI5S92yM&t=3s

The school mows only the field to increase biodiversity. The children identified the wildflowers and trees in the grounds. They recorded what they found in a nature journal along with a range of native wildflowers in the local community. They picked wildflower seeds like buttercups for a Wildflower Meadow on the Great Field, Poundbury. They have given tours and shared their knowledge. RSPB Nature Rich Curriculum

The children are campaigning for a safe cycle route to connect Poundbury and Dorchester town centre, including a questionnaire. They have support from Dorchester Transport Action Group and Sustrans who have helped with a proposal. The children had a meeting with the Head of Highways at Dorset Council who has challenged them to get as many residents supporting their plan as possible so it can go to public consultation.

The full article can be read at https://sway.cloud.microsoft/IX0HX9i7AbWTAOoo?ref=Link&loc=play