Architecture and Urban Design
Poundbury is designed to create a sustainable community which achieves an attractive, modern and pleasing place in which people can live, work, shop and relax. Particular emphasis is placed on the quality of place making through time honoured principles, urban design, landscaping and the selection of materials.
As Duke of Cornwall, His Majesty believed that one of the greatest strengths of our country was the regional variation of its towns and villages, built with locally distinctive materials. The architecture at Poundbury fits this pattern, respecting local styles, drawing on the rich heritage of Dorset, and in particular the streets of Dorchester.
The architects working at Poundbury, adhere to the Building Code which promotes this use of traditional materials and regulates building form and street scenes. The Duchy’s Poundbury team work closely with the developers to control design and encourage build quality. The relationship is upheld through legally-binding Building Agreements with each developer before properties are sold or leased.
Parking is generally provided in landscaped courtyards to the rear of properties, which also incorporate coach houses above parking spaces and ancillary spaces for playrooms and workshops. Provision of these extra spaces recognises the increasing demands for flexible living arrangements, with potential for working from home where appropriate. Larger commercial buildings are generally sited for better vehicular access, but are designed similarly to frame their sites and create a sense of enclosure.
The success of Poundbury demonstrates that it is possible to build high-quality, traditional housing at affordable prices, whilst providing new factories, offices and retail space on competitive terms all within the context of refreshingly different urban design.

I am deeply grateful to their teams of talented craftsmen, many of whom are Dorset men through and through. For me one of the most essential features of Poundbury has been its mixed-use, mixed-income composition - a dangerously revolutionary move 25 years ago. So particular thanks goes to the social- housing providers, notably The Guinness Partnership of which I am patron.
HM King Charles, speaking as the 24th Duke of Cornwall at the opening of Queen Mother Square in 2016
Poundbury is designed to create a sustainable community which achieves an attractive, modern and pleasing place in which people can live, work, shop and play. Particular emphasis is placed on the quality of place making through time honoured principles, urban design, landscaping and the selection of materials.
Every day hundreds of craftsman, specialist contractors and professionals work on the buildings and infrastructure at Poundbury. From urban designers to plumbers, builders and apprentices, many have learnt their trade in Poundbury. CG Fry’s Steve Walker has been working here since its conception and wins awards year after year for his management and remarkable knowledge of the project and its delivery.
Local firms hosted a Careers Open Day Initiative in Poundbury in May 2019. The aim of this event was to highlight the employment and training opportunities available in the Construction Industry, particularly in Dorset.